Cache configuration

  • Global Cache State - Three modes are available:

    • All - Cache is enabled for all query requests
    • Partial - Cache is enabled only for specific queries defined by the cache rules
    • None - Cache is disabled for all query requests
  • Invalidation Type - Relevant only for the All Global Cache State

    • Table Based - When the system receives a write query to a specific table, the cache will automatically invalidate all cache entries that use this specific table
    • TTL Based - The system will automatically invalidate an cache record after a defined amount time
  • TTL - Relevant only for the All Global Cache State while using TTL mode. The value defines the automatic cache record invalidation time in milliseconds

Cache Rules

Partial Global Cache State - Allows us to define specific rules to cache a specific queries

  • Match Type - The system will cache specific queries according to a pattern
  • Invalidation Type
    • Table Based - When the system receives a write query to a specific table, the cache will automatically invalidate all cache entries that use this specific table
    • TTL - The system will automatically invalidate an cache record after a defined amount time
  • TTL - Relevant only for the Invalidation type is TTL. The value defines the automatic cache record invalidation time in milliseconds
  • Pattern - Allows us to define a pattern that can include a few queries.


Cache Rules List

Cache TTL based for children table queries

Cache heavy read tables